
Friday 20 September 2013

Aurora 1897 UFO crash


Before ufo famous crash of roswell in 1947,exactly 50 years before in 1897 around the small town of aurora,texas there was another spaceship crash.The story in the local newspaper stated that the mysterious airship dropping lower and lower and it struck judge proctor windmill and went to pieces with terrific explosion,wrecking the windmill and destroying judge flower garden.The pilot of the ship is supposed to have been the only one aboard and while his remains are badly disfigured,enough of the original has been picked up to show that he was not an inhabitant of this world.

The crashing ship was too badly wrecked to form any conclusion as to its construction or motive power.It was built of an unknown metal,resembling somewhat a mixture of aluminium and silver,and it must have weighed several tons.There are some records written in strange hieroglyphics that cannot be deciphered found along with the dead spacemen body.The town was full of people who are viewing the wreckage and they are gathering specimens of strange metal from the debris,and the pilot's funeral will take place a day afterwards.

Aurora cemetery where the spacemen was buried

A texas historical commission marker outside aurora cemetery did mention briefly about an alleged burial of a ufo pilot in this cemetery.

Despite a straight faced coverage in the local newspapers at that time,aurora crash continues to be a source of controversy.Some people,mostly ufo debunkers trying to say that this crash never happen,that the locals of aurora had made up this stories because their town is dying,and they need a lot of visitor outside the town to boost their economic town back to life. But the overwhelming evidence of a crash,a lot of eyewitness and the old timer who happen to  live in that era stated that the spaceship crash indeed took place in the April 17,1897.As always,you be the judge,like Fox Mulder once said,the truth is out there...

The alien final resting place

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